Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Perfect Cook

I only watch TV when I fold laundry.  I wash and fold by the mountain load, stockpiling so I have a solid hour if not more of folding time in order to keep up with Netflix.  If I don't have enough time for a movie, I will watch Food Network.  Yesterday I saw a commercial where this woman said "I am not a perfect cook, but [this product] will make me a perfect cook."

Perfect cook?  Am I supposed to be striving for perfection?  Missed that email. 

I strive to cook with whole foods, minimizing the amount of or eliminating processed food. 
I try to incorporate as much home grown vegetables and herbs from my garden as possible.
Mostly I strive to get a good meal on the table on time with a hope and a prayer that everyone in my family will like, no, not like, will just eat what's being served.

Are my attempts perfect?  With a good belly laugh, no.

I'm messy, I improvise, I rush, I try new things that don't always work or taste good and some times the best laid food planning menu gets chucked in the trash and I stand in front of the pantry and fridge because I ran out of time or forgot to go to the market and I have no clue what to make for dinner. Banging my head against the pantry door and spouting an occassional Damn It! seems to help me think clearly in these instances.

Sometimes I will throw down a perfect meal (the kitchen will be a total disaster as a result), eveyone is eating, everyone is happy, no fits are being thrown because I'm obviously trying to poison them.  In these rare moments, I sit back and bask in the glory.  There will be no thanks given, no recognition or medals or cash rewards for my accomplishment.  Just a mom doing what she set out to do - make a good healthy meal that everyone enjoys.

Comments like "the perfect cook" are why I don't spend my time watching television.  True poison.  Not watching TV makes me an idiot though as everytime someone says 30 Rock I get confused with 3rd Rock from the Sun.  Dated and dumb.  I've seen 30 Rock, I've read Bossypants, I get it.  I just get confused.  My husband just looks at me and shakes his head everytime I make this mistake and has asked that I stop saying making this comparison out loud - think it, don't say it.

Thankfully I've surrounded myself with those who have low expectations of me ever reaching perfection.
The bar is set for me firmly between Just Being Me and Keeping It Real.

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