Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Homage to Potage: A Month of Soup: Days 4 - 8

Beautiful soup, so rich and green.
Waiting in a hot tureen!
Who for such dainties would not stoop?
Soup of the evening, beautiful soup!

Lewis Carroll
Alice in Wonderland

We're still eating soup!  We had a couple of detours but we're back on track with 30 days of soup.

Day 4:  Spicy Black Bean
Chipotles in adobo sauce is one of my favorite canned goods.  Chipotles are smoked red jalapeno peppers in a sauce of ancho chiles, tomato sauce, spices and vinegar.  This very basic and delicious Spicy Black Bean soup recipe came from The Whole Foods Market Cookbook.  Along with chipotles in adobo sauce, the recipe also includes cocoa powder and orange juice.  We topped the soup with avocado and fresh cilantro. Quesadillas on the side. In a word, yum.

Day 5:  Tortellini Soup
Tortellini soup is an old standby - super fast and easy and everyone loves it.  I freeze my chicken broth in ziploc bags with 4 or 8 cups of broth, labelled and dated of course.  For this soup,  I use 8 cups of broth, a package of tortellini (I usually keep a package in the freezer for just such emergency meals) and either arugula or spinach - I used arugula since my garden apparently loves to grow arugula.  Heat it all up, add some freshly shredded parmesan and call it a meal.  

Day 6:  Roasted Mediterranean Vegetable Soup.
This turned out to be Roasted Ratatouille Soup.  See my earlier post on ratatouille.  My husband declared he was done with vegetable soups and we had to move on.  I love ratatouille and loved this soup. I was alone.  Frozen pizza saved the lot of them.  The next morning I strained the broth and ate it in an omelette!  Fabulous.
Stop.  Detour.  I had to sew Halloween costumes.  Burgers out and a trip to the movies for the rest of them!  I think I had wine for dinner.  Is there a wine soup?  Does wine count?  Worked Saturday night for me!

Day 7:  Chicken Pot Pie Soup
This is really Chicken Chowder but the kids think it tastes like Pot Pie so that's what I call it.  I made a roux instead of using milk or cream as you normally would in a chowder.  Nobody noticed.  They ate it and liked it.  What more could a momma want?

Stop.  Detour.  Halloween.  We picked up Flame Broiler.   

Day 8:  Vegetarian Split Pea.
I do not eat ham in soup.  Bacon, yes.  Ham, no.  The smell of a ham bone boiling in a pot is enough to make me gag.  Eat it, no.  My split pea soup recipe comes from The Spot Vegetarian Restaurant in Hermosa Beach.  I love The Spot and this soup is my all time favorite. Onions, carrots, celery, zucchini, broccoli, yam, soy sauce, Braggs aminos and split peas.  Simple, easy and delicious.  I wished I had made some good brown bread (or even bought some).  After all the candy I ate today, it's best we had no bread.  The kids are completely over soup.  Even my 17 year old groaned when I told her it was split pea night.  They had sloppy joe's  straight from the land of Manwich.   From The Spot to Manwich all in one night, for shame.

Interesting facts:
My family isn't complaining about the random meals I'm serving. Interesting.  I'm realizing it really doesn't matter what I serve for dinner as long as they like it.  They don't care if it's healthy or thought out or made with love.  I may trade in the dining table for a trough.

Soup is good for you.  Shhhh, don't tell anyone.  Really, it is.  All of my soups have at least 6 vegetables.  Soup hides vegetables so easy, especially if you blend the soup.  Poof, like magic, you can't see the vegetables, the soup tastes delicious and my kids eat it. I eat it too.  The best part for me, I've lost 4 lbs. Woo! Very exciting.   For the most part I'm only eating soup, not the random meals I'm making for the kids.  Simple diet solutions.  Eat healthy, small portions, staying on track.  I'm not doing this all day, just at dinner.  Who am I to question the who, the how, the whats and the whys....soup works!

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